by Alana | Oct 16, 2018 | Family - Lifestyle, Hyde Park
On the weekend I held some mini sessions at Hyde Park. Mini sessions are truly amazing value – they’re a great way to have a short, sharp session (perfect for restless kids!), and save some money whilst STILL getting some amazing print enlargements at the end of it, and a wide selection of images. Kelly booked in for her mini session as she felt that the timing would suit her children’s attention spans, and because she always felt guilty for not having a newborn shoot for her daughter like she did for her son…don’t we all always feel guilty about something?! Kelly also wanted to get some beautiful images of the kids to give to the grandparents, and to show the kids when they’re older – shots that also include her IN the frame instead of being the one always taking the photo with her phone! Even though it’s a mini session, you still receive a full gallery to choose from, and can upgrade to receive all of the images if you love them all (which Kelly did).
We had a really fun session – the kids played and jumped and did flying with Daddy, and spinning with Mummy, and I also made sure to get some of mum and dad together. How gorgeous does Kelly look in that dress! Her outfit was the perfect choice for the photo shoot – I absolutely love lightly patterned dresses for images! It was the perfect choice! As with all of my sessions, the focus isn’t of getting the perfect ‘everyone smile at the camera’ image. Although I usually put everyone together at the start, and at various points throughout the session, I truly love to capture individual personalities. I also love to allow kids to be kids and I find that following them around and showing an interest in what they’re doing and what THEY want to do, is more likely to bring out genuine emotion compared to forcing them to sit still and smile at a strange lady holding a camera!
Frankii and Chet (yes that’s their names – how gorgeous!!!! I almost want to have another child just to use those names!) were just beautiful to shoot. Chet examined some of my photos in camera to make sure they were good enough, and this also encouraged him to give a big smile for a few photos, as he wanted to see what he would look like! Frankii had the usual energy and curiosity of an 18 month old, and I certainly got in some exercise chasing her around (as did Chet who assumed the big brother role and ‘lovingly’ tried to hold her still at times!). I loved meeting this family and capturing some memories for them!
If you’d like to book a session, or a mini session, please Contact me and feel free to ask any questions!
by Alana | Oct 14, 2018 | Birth, Couples, Family - Lifestyle, Family - Location, Fresh 48
Everyone has a different reason for wanting a photo shoot, and different reasons for loving certain images. Prior to a session I ask you to complete a survey so that I can get a better understanding of what type of image you might be hoping for, although sometimes your favourite images from a session are the unexpected ones. Recently I asked my past clients if they could let me know their favourite image from our session, and to give me a brief explanation as to why they loved them. Not only was I so grateful to receive their responses, but I was also soooo happy that for most, their favourite images were those which showed the authentic connections, the real emotions, and the reality of life. In fact, all of their responses fell into three main categories: Connection, Moments in Time, and Emotions. I always love to hear which images you love the most, so always feel free to share your thoughts with me! Meanwhile, this is what my clients said, in their own words:
Alana (Phoebe’s Newborn Lifestyle Session):
“It shows our firstborn Ollie trying to bond with his new baby sister. With his life being suddenly turned upside down by a tiny stranger who is now monopolising much of his time with Mum and Dad, Ollie dealt with the great adjustment brilliantly for a not-quite 2 year old. Their bond grows daily and he has loved her fiercely since day one. It makes me so happy to watch their relationship blossom into something so special that will last a lifetime, and Corey and I hope that our babies will see each other as their best friend just like we both do with our siblings”

Jade (Jade and Zac):
We just look so comfortable with each other, but also so in love at the same time!”

Amber (Jude’s Newborn Lifestyle Session):
“I love the photo of Xander upside down – my gorgeous gorgeous boy and his best friend (Daddy!). I know my hubby adores that photo too, the pure joy on Xander’s face is priceless!”

Sarah (The DiTommaso and Tench Family):
“I especially love these two images of Lochie and I. You’ve captured the spirit of Lochie and the relationship we share. While the ‘cuddle’ image is not the most flattering photo of me, I love how you have managed to capture a moment of whirlwind excitement and fun and even more importantly, a delighted connection between us both. Lochie isn’t typically a boy who is overly affectionate or cuddly. As you have noted in your blog about our shoot, more often than not, Lochie is very ‘busy’ banging and crashing about and being his usual spirited self. I can never seem to hold on and cuddle him for long enough before he is off on his next adventure. I’ll be able to hold onto this photo, and this cuddle forever”

Joy :
“100% this picture. The special relationship my girls have when they don’t want to kill each other. This is how they are on the holidays when there is no stress in their lives and they are just enjoying each other. This pic is of the most amazing thing we have achieved. They are strong and smart and so beautiful. I am so proud of every part of them and I love, love, love this pic. You nailed it!”

Kate (The Longman Family):
“Because it just captures who we are and our relationship all in one image”

“Jeff’s favourite is the one with Jack and his Nanna as it shows the connection and love between the two”

Moments In Time
Amber (Jude’s Newborn Lifestyle Session):
“The photo of all 4 of us on our bed with Xander about to jump in the air – it just so perfectly captured our gorgeous little boy, having the time of his life, completely unphased by the tiny human that just entered our lives! We were all laughing and loving each other and it’s honestly a moment frozen in time that I will remember forever!”

Amanda (Eve’s Lifestyle Newborn Session):
“We got the shoot for our children , our focus was not to have the ‘perfect’ family portrait but more genuine moments that the girls can look back on and reflect about what our family means to us, and them, the moments of love and happiness – an everyday representation. Saying that my favourite two which I hope the girls will look back on are these two as they capture the fun, laughter and love”

Leanne (Zoey’s Newborn Lifestyle Session):
“This photo is my favourite by far…capturing those little feet and her big sister looking over her as she always will”

Ashlee (The Birth of Evie ):
“This will always be our favourite as it is the moment the doctor held Evie up for us to see her for the first time. The moment we became a family. The c-section process happened so quickly, and she was only held up for a few seconds before being whisked away for all the necessary checks, but this photo has frozen that moment in time for us forever”
Ashlee (Evie’s Fresh 48 ):
“It was hard for us to choose a favourite from this shoot, but we couldn’t go past this photo of our new family captured so beautifully. We love the use of the sunlight shining through, the warm colours, and most of all the little face of our precious girl that we just can’t stop kissing”

“The background and the boys expression – creates quite a mystical atmosphere!”
“It’s a relaxed/spontaneous family shot”

Melissa (The Emmerson and Fong Family):
“The one of Ari looking serious and sulking amongst the greenery. It’s a moment frozen in time as that’s his look when he doesn’t get his way! Stomps off and sulks. Terrible twos but oh so adorable. And so real. Love it”
“I love the one of Paige and I hugging with me smiling and eyes closed. It’s one of those candid mummy and daughter moments I’ve always wanted to capture but never did. You did it without us realising or posing. Thank you”

“I love the one of Jack throwing up at his baptism – I love it! Simply that was my baby – always sick…I also love my porcelain doll baby photo, and the one of him asleep through it”

Kimberley (Iris’s Newborn Lifestyle Session):
“I think the one you captured of us all on the bed and the kids being authentically themselves would have to be one of my most loved. Because it truly is one of those perfectly imperfect moments that is our every day and it’s just so beautiful. I know in years to come I’ll look at it and be taken right back to this beautiful crazy season with my kids, it’s moments like that which will be most treasure memories”

Jade (Jade and Zac):
Zac’s favourite: “Because Jade looks so happy. I don’t know how else to put it!”

Leanne (Zoey’s Newborn Lifestyle Session)
“I also love the one of Zoey and I. You can see total love in my face and it’s not often I have photos taken of me and my little ones as it’s always the girls with Dad”

Melissa (The Emmerson and Fong Family)
“My hubby and I completely adore the one of him and Paige rubbing noses. Ugga mugga from Daniel tiger. It’s so sweet and loving”

If you’d like to capture some beautiful memories for yourself, or organise a voucher for someone you love, Contact me here.
by Alana | Oct 11, 2018 | Family - Location, The Wanneroo Pines
The Nanna of these gorgeous cousins won a voucher for a photo shoot in a charity event and so she chose to have photos taken of her grandchildren which I thought was a beautiful idea! We met at The Pines on an evening where the weather could go either way – but luckily for us the rain stayed away! These cousins are so close in age (except for one – can you guess who?!) – and were So.Much.Fun!! They have such an amazing relationship and so they were extremely comfortable with each other. They ran, they jumped, they danced, they played in the tee pees, they picked flowers (and threw them on Scott’s head!), they told secrets (mostly about stealing goodies from poor Grandad!), they plotted sleepover requests, and made love hearts with their hands. The only rule I have in sessions is to try to be as close to each other as possible – and it was so easy with this group as they obviously have such a fun relationship. I think it’s so beautiful that they’ll now have memories of this forever – their bond has been forever captured and preserved.
Sometimes when you think about having a photo shoot, you just think of your own family, but what an amazing idea to celebrate the cousin bond in a photo shoot just for them! Just as time passes for our own family, it also passes with our extended family. Having those memories of the fun and laughter as they were growing up together is so special. You can remember what they were all like together at that age – the dance they used to do together, the way they used to immerse themselves in games of imagination and share little secrets, and just simply who they were at that point in time. Their relationships will evolve as they grow, but they will always have these beautiful memories – and that’s what I love about photography!
If you’d like to capture some memories of your own, or gift a session to someone you love, please contact me. You can also view my Family Portfolio.
by Alana | Oct 9, 2018 | Birth
When I had my first 3 kids, birth photography wasn’t even a ‘thing’ (or at least I don’t think it was!). There are so many things about the birth that I don’t remember (or wasn’t aware of) and I’d constantly ask my husband and mum questions so I could piece it all together. It was such a huge experience that happened to me, yet I was totally not aware of what was happening around me. When my babies were born, I of course had those blissful moments of cuddling them – but pretty quickly I was demanding that my husband get the camera and the phone, as I knew I’d want to relive those first few moments even just hours later.
It was not long after I had my third, that I started seeing birth photography pop up on my facebook and instagram, and I specifically started following a birth photographer in my area. The images were always tasteful and beautiful, and documented the EXPERIENCE of birth. The story. It wasn’t all about the graphic part of birth – and in fact most of it wasn’t even about that at all – it was all about the emotion, the details, the beauty, the story. I am a storyteller by nature, and I always love to re-experience life through memories captured in images. It’s my way of really experiencing it all. I knew that if I were to get pregnant again, I needed a birth photographer. And then I got pregnant! I contacted her straight away. My husband took a little more convincing (mainly due to the cost), but at the end of the day, he knew it was something that was so important to me. And so we hired her, and it was the best thing I ever did. I will forever love her for the memories she’s given to our family. My baby is now 18 months old, and is worlds away from that fresh newborn who breathed his first breath. While some of it remains in my memory, a lot of the details fade with time and with the chaos of life. However, through the images, they’re never lost.
When I became a professional photographer, I knew that one day I’d love to capture a birth. I didn’t know when, but I knew that it would be a huge passion for me. My birth experiences were each so unique and so special, and have become a part of who I am, and part of my story. I’m still amazed that I was even able to do it – that women can be so strong – that I could be so strong! I wasn’t specifically chasing it, when it fell into my lap twice in one week. First my sister in law asked me if I’d consider being there for the birth of their first baby, and then second a lovely couple I met at their maternity shoot asked me the same. It truly felt like it was meant to be. I was able to be there for those births – one a natural birth, the other a c-section. I was able to tell both of their stories, and it left me completely addicted. There is nothing more beautiful than birth. These are some of the reasons I am so glad that I hired my birth photographer, and why I’d encourage anyone to do the same:
- Birth is the biggest experience of your life, and the most emotional. You’ll never get to meet your child for the first time again. You’ll never get to hear them cry for the first time again, or to hold them and kiss them for the first time. Even if you have more children, you will never have that one again. They’re only born once. The images captured will forever keep that experience alive, and you’ll be able to relive all the emotions of the biggest day of your life. You’d never consider not hiring a photographer for your wedding to capture the story of that day, so why not your birth story as well?
- You can’t change your mind. You can never go back and decide to hire one – it’s now or never. I remember when we were deciding whether to have our third baby, someone said to me ‘You’ll never regret the children you have, only the ones you don’t have’. The same can be said for birth photography. You will never regret having those memories, but you might regret not having them. I regret not having a birth photographer for my first 3 – even though it wasn’t a choice at the time.
- You can see things from different perspectives. During labour or a c-section, you usually become quite inward focused and lose awareness of what’s happening around you. The sequence of events gets lost, the fact that your partner is massaging you and holding your hand might be forgotten, the expressions and emotions might go unnoticed. There is a roller coaster of emotions during birth, and while you think you’ll remember it all, you usually don’t. By having the images, you’re able to piece it all together, and to relive all of those emotions and experiences you’ve forgotten.
- Memories fade. Memories of the labour and those first few moments and hours fade even faster. Adrenaline, medication, exhaustion, pain, euphoria – all cloud your ability to remember it all.
- Just as memories fade, babies change SUPER FAST. They are only the fresh newborns for such a brief moment, and then they start growing and changing. Even the next day they’ve already changed from the fresh newborn. Their fingers and toes become less wrinkled, their skin colour changes, and they already start becoming more alert. Capturing those first moments is so special, and impossible to recreate.
- You’ll get quality images. Light in hospital rooms is notoriously terrible. By hiring a professional, you get someone who knows how to work with the light and to capture quality images for you to look back on.
- It allows you to be truly in the moment. You don’t need to worry about what’s being captured, your partner doesn’t need to worry about rushing to pull out the phone or camera as soon as your little one is born. Both of you can just truly be in the moment and focus on this life changing event. This is not to say that you won’t take your own photos as well – you most likely will – but you won’t have to until you’re ready and until the moment has truly been experienced. .
- You can show your child one day the experience of their birth. This after all, is their first moments in the world.
- In those tough moments – whether they be the emotional roller coaster of the first few weeks after birth – or the challenges of the future years of raising a child – you can always look back and relive that experience. You can feel those emotions again and refocus on what’s truly important in life.
- Most of all, this is your story. This is not only your new baby and their story – this is YOUR story. Your partner’s story and your family’s story. This is where you either create a family, or grow your existing family. This is life. We capture important events such as weddings, engagements and birthdays – but it doesn’t get much bigger than birth!
If you’d like to book me as your birth photographer, I’d love to help tell your story. Contact me here to book or ask me any questions! You can also view a Video of me explaining why I love Birth Photography, a Video example of a Birth Story photo book which comes with all birth stories, and my Birth Portfolio.
by Alana | Oct 7, 2018 | Events
Recently I captured some memories for Sienna’s Baptism. I really enjoy capturing events, as a lot of it simply involves watching and capturing what is naturally happening which results in some very real and honest images. I also love it because these are the times in your life where you look back and remember – and I love being able to give you some images to help you relive it all. Sienna won’t remember her day – and yet she’ll be able to experience it through these images, just as her family will be able to as well. They’ll remember what life was like at the time she was baptised, and will be able to see all of the people who are important to them. This is also why I provide a slideshow of images for those who book me to capture their Events. I feel that it’s a beautiful way to be able to relive the day, and is yours to keep forever.
We were so lucky with the weather for Sienna’s baptism as they had predicted rain and storms, and the day before had not been very pleasant. The day of her Baptism though was just perfect! I met Sienna and her family at their home so we could capture the details of her getting ready – being dressed by her Godparents (who were a little nervous at the prospect!), adorned in her gorgeous jewellrey, her big sister Amelia running around (and occasionally picking her nose!), and of course some of the more traditional images with the important people in her life. Sienna became a little tired, but these images to me are just as beautiful. She needed her dummy, she needed cuddles from Mummy – and this is real life! Luckily for Sienna (and everyone!) the church was a bit of a drive away so she was able to get some sleep in the car on the way there.
Arriving at the church, I couldn’t help but think about how beautiful it was! Before entering, I captured the images of people greeting each other and of the crowd of people who had assembled to celebrate Sienna’s special day. The Priest was hilarious! He certainly made the Baptism such an enjoyable experience, and he even beckoned me up to stand next to him at one point so that I could capture the way Sienna was intently watching him and listening to his every word. She did amazingly well throughout the whole ceremony – a little superstar! Afterwards we used the beautiful archway to capture some more posed images with the groups of people who had come to celebrate her day.
Following the church, it was time to celebrate for lunch! They had decorated the restaurant so beautifully, and I wanted to capture all of these details, including the gorgeous cake!! How beautiful was the cake!! The atmosphere was truly beautiful throughout the whole day, and Sienna was so perfect throughout it all. When I left, she was quietly fighting sleep in her pram – but I was told afterwards that she did end up going to sleep. Yay! I feel lucky to have been able to capture such a beautiful day with such a beautiful family. I know that Sienna is so loved by her parents and her big sister, and also by her Godparents who fulfilled all of their duties (including dressing their first baby!), and provided so much support to Amelia as well.
If you’d like me to capture your event, contact me. I’d love to help you remember your special day!
by Alana | Oct 2, 2018 | Newborn - Lifestyle
I was so excited to see Evie for her newborn lifestyle shoot – firstly because she’s my niece so I love any opportunity to see her – and secondly because newborn lifestyle sessions just make me so happy!! Arriving to see her, her mummy Ashlee informed me that it was 7 weeks ago that we did her Fresh 48 session (which you can view here). Seven whole weeks! I know it’s such a cliché, but it really is just so true. Time goes soooo fast. Too fast. And in that fast passing of time, those little babies grow even faster. Their eyes become focused and aware… their cry changes from the newborn cry to their baby cry…they begin ‘talking’ and smiling and showing their likes and dislikes…they move further and further away from that fresh little baby who breathed their first breath. While I absolutely love watching them grow, and have loved watching my own children grow, it also does make me sad. I can’t help it! Seeing them move away from who they once were has always been difficult for me (I’m usually the one feeling sad when my kids have birthdays, and I’m definitely the one crying the night before they start school!!), and this is one of the reasons I love photography. All these little moments and routines we think we’ll remember, yet time moves on quickly, and we can’t keep it all fresh in our minds. I love being able to capture those memories – to freeze them so they can be revisited.
Little babies are unpredictable. Whilst it’s always lovely to have your baby in the ‘perfect mood’, they don’t always cooperate! This doesn’t mean that we can’t get beautiful images that capture what life is like with a new baby – the ups and the downs, the challenges and the triumphs, the beauty and the chaos. Life isn’t perfect, but your story is because it’s YOUR STORY. In the case of little Evie, she is usually such a happy and chilled baby, but she just wasn’t feeling it on the day of our shoot and mainly just wanted to sleep rather than share her smiles with the world. And that’s okay – because that’s all part of life with a new baby. It gave us a perfect opportunity to grab some beautiful images of her cuddling with her Mummy and Daddy, and being comforted and soothed by them. She felt safe and peaceful in their arms, and that’s a magical thing to see. I love being able to capture that so that they can hold onto those memories when she’s grown and maybe doesn’t want as many cuddles anymore!
One thing Evie did love was the bath, so we made sure to capture some images of her being bathed by her Daddy. This is her happy place – and it shows in the way she was adoringly looking up at him and smiling throughout the entire bath. Another thing we wanted to capture was Mum multitasking in the kitchen – all part of mum life – especially when Dad works away. It’s amazing how quickly you can learn how to do things with one hand!! Before going to the hospital, Matthew and Ashlee had taken a photo outside the front of their house, and wanted to do the same now that Evie was there with them. Matthew and Ashlee have had their full story told with their Maternity Session, Birth Story, Fresh 48, and now their newborn lifestyle shoot. I’m so glad to have been able to give these images to them – and hopefully they’ll be precious to them forever.
If you’d like to book a session with me, or for someone you love, Contact me here.
by Alana | Sep 27, 2018 | Couples, Perrys Paddock
Jade contacted me quite awhile ago and was interested in getting some photos taken with her and her partner, although her partner took a little convincing! She got there in the end, and I’m soooo glad she did as I LOVE all of her images!! We met at Perry’s Paddock during the Golden Hour (it’s so beautiful there at that time), as Jade liked that it would remind Zac of growing up on the farm. Jade also brought along a couple of blankets which were special to her – one which her mum had made for her 21st birthday, and one which is in her favourite colour and is what they use in their home together. It was quite cold, so the blanket came in handy at the end! I told Jade and Zac not to worry about having to smile at the camera, and that if they were ever unsure of what to do, just to get close to each other and touch each other in some way. For me, the perfect photo is one that shows your genuine connection, and I love that Jade and Zac’s images do that. Their connection was beautiful and real, and we spoke about how once you find your person that it’s hard to imagine life without them. I absolutely love that Jade and Zac took time out to celebrate their relationship together and get some beautiful images taken of their connection. Just the two of them. Before marriage, before kids, just Jade and Zac. Where it all begins. I truly believe that they are going to have such a beautiful life together, and I’m so happy to have been a part of celebrating their relationship.
If you’d like to book a session for yourself, or gift a session to someone else, please contact me here. You can also view more of my Couples Portfolio.
by Alana | Sep 25, 2018 | Family - Location, Perrys Paddock
Wow! Just wow! As soon as the two boys ran up to me in their suits, I knew we were going to be in for an amazing session! This family was so much fun, and I loved how they were all just willing to have fun and be silly together and enjoy each others company, whilst letting me capture their amazing connection! Watching them was like glimpsing into my own future with my 4 kids when they grow up – I can only hope that they all have the same level of connection which is just beautiful to watch. The youngest Noah even gave his older sister a flower and asked her to marry him (or ‘not’ marry him – I wasn’t quite sure ha ha). Such a beautiful family, and I loved every single image from this session. It made my heart so happy when they were able to invest in them all!
We had our session at Perry’s Paddock right before sunset – which is quickly becoming one of my favourite locations. The light there is so beautiful at that time of day – with the sun filtering through the trees before sunset, and then even as the sun has set, a gorgeous light remains. This is when we can get beautiful images in the open field, and the silhouette shot. Every time I look at this silhouette image I laugh! It’s a perfect example of how every member of the family was so much fun! As always, I make sure to get some images of mum and dad alone, and this couple did not disappoint! Absolutely beautiful!
Kate said that they had never had family photos done, so I’m very glad that they allowed me to take some for them! If you’d like to capture some beautiful memories yourself, Contact me here. If you’d like to view more of my family sessions, have a look at my Family Portfolio.
by Alana | Sep 23, 2018 | Family - Location, Hyde Park
Melissa wanted to book in a family photo session while her parents were visiting from Malaysia, and she also wanted to include her in-laws in the photo shoot. I thought this was a beautiful idea, especially as I later found out what a special place they all have in the family. Both of Melissa’s children have two middle names each – one chosen by each of their Grandparents. I thought that was just beautiful! Prior to her shoot, Melissa and I discussed location options – you can check out this blog for Location options for your photo shoot! We decided on Hyde Park which is such a beautiful location, and was a good choice for her young children as Hyde Park is beautiful even outside of the Golden Hour. Melissa also received some styling assistance through this blog Styling tips to help you plan your photo shoot, and she sent me images of outfits she was considering. Styling can be such a stressful part of planning your photo shoot, especially when you’re trying to coordinate so many people. I think they did an amazing job – everyone looked perfect! Splashes of colour, pattern and interest, whilst also remaining in the same colour tones.
Driving to the shoot, it began pouring with rain and we were worried that we wouldn’t be able to go ahead with the shoot. Luckily for us, the rain cleared as soon as we arrived, and was perfect for the time we were there. It was such a fun shoot – everyone was relaxed and just seemed to be having so much fun with each other. Their connection was really able to be captured, as they all genuinely seemed to enjoy each others company. Bubbles were a massive hit with the kids at the start of the session, and I think helped them to relax as well. Little Paige just loved posing for the camera, and Ari was so beautiful to photograph. I genuinely enjoyed spending time with this family, and capturing some amazing memories for them. Melissa chose the Deluxe Collection, so she was able to keep all of her images (this makes me soooo happy, as I truly love clients being able to have all of their images and their full story!). She also receives two enlargements, a beautiful linen photo book, and a slideshow of her images set to music which is shared above. I love the Deluxe Collection, as I really feel that it allows your full story to be told. Thank you for such a fun afternoon!
If you’d like to book a session for yourself or someone you love, contact me here. You can also view my Family Portfolio for more examples of my work.
by Alana | Sep 16, 2018 | Family - Location, The Wanneroo Pines
Sarah booked in her session with me many months ago, as she wanted to give some images to her partner Josh for Fathers Day. She surprised Josh on the day with the photo session – and luckily he was happy with her plans! During the session, it’s common that the mood of the kids plays a role in dictating the flow. We had lots of fun during the session with bubbles, shoulder rides, peekaboo games, and cuddles. Little Lachie also had a ball playing with sticks and the dirt – claiming that he was ‘very busy’. My favourite parts of a session are capturing those natural moments – the times when your little one comes running up to you for a cuddle, and the look on your face as they tell you that they love you (as Lachie did quite a few times – super cute!). As with all of my sessions, I made sure that I captured some images of Sarah and Josh together as well. I think it’s so important to get some memories together of just the two of you, and to celebrate your bond together. So often it’s easy to just focus on the kids – but your relationship is where it all began! I had so much fun capturing these images for this beautiful family!
If you’d like to view more family sessions, you can view my Family Portfolio. If you’d like to book a session for yourself, or as a gift to someone else, Contact Me.
by Alana | Sep 6, 2018 | Birth, Maternity, Newborn - Lifestyle
I was so excited to get to see Chloe again after capturing her birth two months ago. I’ve loved following Chloe’s journey from her mummy’s maternity session (see Charlotte’s Maternity Session) to her birth (see The Birth of Chloe), and now her Newborn Lifestyle session. Chloe was so good during her session – she was either sleeping or happy the entire time. Her Mummy Charlotte and Daddy Dylan were surprised by this, as they insisted that she was normally more challenging to get to sleep – but during the session she just peacefully stayed asleep even when moved from person to person. I reckon she remembered me from her birth and was excited to see me too lol. She’d already grown so much and was already interacting with everyone around her – including her two sisters were also there to shower some love on her.
During newborn lifestyle sessions I love to capture the things that occur every day – such as changing your baby, or feeding her – as well as giving the opportunity to just spend a moment holding your baby (in nice light lol) and just look at her little features and soak her in. It gives you a moment to stop and appreciate the little baby features amidst what can sometimes be the chaotic first few months. I love being able to provide these memories to people. Those first few months can sometimes feel never ending when you’re dealing with the challenges of baby wind problems, lack of sleep, and settling into your ‘new normal’ – but they DO end. Suddenly you realise that you’re not holding her for sleeps anymore, that she doesn’t fit into that outfit anymore, and that life has changed from what it once was. And if you’re anything like me, you’ll miss it. By having the photos to look back on you can ‘holiday’ in that time again and remember what it was like.
You can view more Newborn Lifestyle sessions in my Lifestyle Newborn Portfolio. If you’d like to book a session for yourself, or gift a session to someone you love, Contact me. I’d love to help you out!
by Alana | Sep 3, 2018 | Maternity
I’ve known Maja since we went to Uni together (way too long ago!), and then we also worked together for a couple of years before I had my daughter. We don’t often get to see each other, but when we do, it’s like no time has passed. I was so excited to hear that Maja was pregnant with her first little boy. I knew that he was very wanted, and I knew that her and her husband Ross would shower him with love. I was also very excited to take some images for her to help her remember this beautiful time. Maja is always beautiful – but especially pregnant! I met her at her home for a Lifestyle Maternity session. It was a cold and rainy day, so we were both quite happy to stay indoors for the most part! I think pregnancy is such a magical time – it’s truly amazing what the body can do, and I love that we’re able to celebrate it through photos. I never had professional maternity photos in any of my pregnancies, and I really wish that I did. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of your stomach growing, your baby moving around inside you and that feeling that you’re about to do something very special. Of course there are always challenges that come with pregnancy as well, but it’s amazing how they’re forgotten afterwards (until you’re reminded of course!).
Maja and I also wanted to get some location shots at The Secret Garden. It was still raining, but we decided to attempt it anyway. She changed her outfit and took an umbrella – and I actually think that made the images even more special! We didn’t stay there long, but I’m glad that we went.
If you’d like to capture some memories in a maternity session either in your home or on location, Contact Me and we can discuss the best option for you. Also check out my Maternity Portfolio for more beautiful images.
by Alana | Sep 1, 2018 | Family - Lifestyle, Family - Location, Information
Usually it’s the mum’s who are inspired to organise a family photo session, and the dad’s are generally not overly excited about the idea. Sometimes their resistance means that they don’t even want to attend the shoot, as they don’t want to be in any photos. I truly believe that it’s so important for both parents to be in some images with their kids (and even just with each other as a couple, which I do at most family sessions). Your kids love YOU, and one day these photos will be their memories too. They want to look back on photos with their dad and remember the way you looked as they were growing up – remember the way you used to carry them on your shoulders, or let them wrap their arms around your neck. They want to remember the top you used to love to wear and the way you used to laugh. These will be so important to them. Photos have always meant so much to me, as I grew up without my dad after he died when I was a baby. The only things I have left of him are some photos and a couple of videos, and they mean so much to me. It’s the way I can connect with him and remember a life I don’t even remember having. Just as it’s given me a passion for photography, it’s also made me absolutely love the connections I see with dads and their children, and I truly love being able to capture that. My family sessions are not stiff and formal – there’s no need to look at the camera and smile awkwardly (although you can if you want to!) – I simply just want to capture interactions, and that includes with dads. So lift your child on your shoulders, grab him by the hand, or wrap her arms around your neck and spin her around – and get in the photos too dads!! Your kids will love those memories one day too – and who knows, you might even have fun in the process!
Here are some of my favourite images with dads during some of my sessions. To view more family sessions, check out my Family Portfolio. To book a session, or gift a session to someone, Contact me here.
by Alana | Aug 27, 2018 | Newborn - Lifestyle
I met little Zoey and her big sister Adalyn in July for their Lifestyle Newborn session. Zoey was awake playing with her Daddy when I arrived, and stayed awake until she fell asleep peacefully in her Mummy’s arms at the end of the session. I was lucky enough to get some sleepy cuddles, and I have to admit, it took A LOT for me to give her back! That feeling of a little baby nuzzling into my neck as they sleep is a very familiar one to me. It also made me think about how quickly that time passes. Just the year before, my days were consumed with holding my youngest for his day sleeps. Every single day. Fast forward a year, and that never happens at all. Not even once. He’s moved on. Life has changed. There are new routines and yet another new ‘normal’ for our family. That’s why capturing these sessions is so important to me. I LOVE that the memories are captured in your own home – that the whole family can be a part of it and that the images become a story of your whole life at that point in time. You’ll remember that house, that couch, that bedspread, the way you used to bath your baby on the kitchen bench…all of those things are so important to the story of your family. In this session, their gorgeous dog Fudge joined us right at the end and I love that too – he is such a special part of their family.
If there are special moments in your own family you’d like to capture, Contact me. If you’d like to learn more about lifestyle sessions, click here and if you’d like to view more Newborn Lifestyle images, view my Lifestyle Newborn Portfolio.
by Alana | Aug 24, 2018 | Family - Location, The Wanneroo Pines
Amy and I met each other in mothers group when her son Chase and my son Louie were only 6 weeks old. Chase and Louie have become great friends, and so have Amy and I. Now our youngest two babies are only a few months apart as well. Amy is also a photographer at Amy Lee Photography, and she has given me some gorgeous memories of my youngest two over the years, so I was more than happy to be able to return the favour and provide her with some memories as well. We met for the photo shoot at The Pines in Wanneroo, which is somewhere special for Amy and her family, as they spend a lot of time there. Little Emily wasn’t too interested in participating in many photos (what 1 year old wants to sit still?!), but Chase was super cooperative and would constantly smile at the camera (“Cheeeeese!”). We went later in the day, so that we could take advantage of the beautiful light in the hour before sunset. Some of my favourite images are taken then – when the sun is low and glowing, and the light is less harsh. It can be a tricky time for little kids, as it’s often over dinner time or bed time, but these two coped pretty well. Such a beautiful family!
If you’d like to book a family location session, Contact me for further information. If you’d like to view more family sessions, look at my Family Portfolio.