Recently I captured the engagement party for Shane and Sophia. Sophia’s sister in law had gifted them the shoot after I shot Sienna’s Baptism in September. Their party was held at The Bell Tower, and the evening was just perfect!! They were truly lucky with the weather, and all their guests were having an amazing time and were so friendly and accommodating to the strange lady following them around with a camera! And can I just say, how BEAUTIFUL does Sophia look?! She absolutely shone during her evening, it was so easy to capture her true happiness!!

Towards the start of the evening, we went downstairs to get some images of Sophia with her bridesmaids who were so willing to just have fun with it all, and are obviously going to be an amazingly supportive team for Sophia on her big day. I love being able to capture their connections with each other, their sense of fun and their gorgeous personalities. There was lots of noise, lots of fun, and a whole lotta love amongst this group!!

Sophia then pulled her fiancé Shane down for some photos together. Shane admitted that he wasn’t as comfortable in front of the camera as some, and yet I think he did absolutely brilliantly! The main thing I love to do is to capture the connections between people, so I told Shane not to look at me and instead to look at his beautiful fiancée. This came easily to him, and made it very easy for me to capture their beautiful connection. They told me about how he proposed in Canada after making her grumpy after she had to walk a long distance, and about their plans to set a date for their wedding. Talking to the guests during the night, there was a common theme with everyone telling me how happy they are for the couple, and how they had been expecting the engagement for a long time. I also captured some images of Shane with his brother who will be his Best Man. We spoke about how close they were growing up, how they used to share a room, and how they have special cufflinks which celebrate their bond. I absolutely love this and as I said to them, I hope that my boys grow up with such a special relationship.

All the guests were so much fun. Although some liked to avoid the camera (I may have snuck some of them anyway!), many were also very happy to share their stories with me and let me capture the fun they were having on the night. There was yummy food, pink drinks, yellow hair, an awesome band, beautiful weather, a dedicated bar, a beautiful view, and so many memories. I’m so glad I was able to capture some of those memories for Shane and Sophia! Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your night!